Virtual Space of the
Malaga Innovation Ecosystem

Home / Innovative Industry / Register of companies




Specific application of new technologies to transport and related components.

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Urban mobility

Development of technology and innovation applied to citizens' urban mobility practices, oriented towards a new model of sustainable city.

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A specific area for innovation and application of new technologies to this means of transport and its branches.

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Other means of transport

Energy efficiency and/or use of renewable energy solutions in other forms of transport.

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Logistics and merchandise

Products and services oriented to supply and distribution systems in the context of smart cities.

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Car parks

Systems, models and solutions that optimize the use of public and/or private car parks by reducing consumption or using renewable energies.

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Traffic management

Applications designed to improve traffic management in any or all of its components

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Systems Planning

Engineering models for strategic application and consulting services related to the field of mobility in smart cities.

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Other services (Mobility)

Not included in the above

- 1 company -

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