Virtual Space of the
Malaga Innovation Ecosystem

Home / Entrepreneurship / Crowdfunding



We want this platform to provide access to the market to projects or ideas that have not been accommodated by other, more "traditional" channels.

That is why we are offering "crowdfunding", or collective financing, as an alternative way of financing projects. In "crowdfunding", an extensive network of individuals cooperates to support an idea or project with each person making a small contribution. Internet is used as a communication medium.

"Crowdfunding" has its origins in the world of art and music where groups managed to finance their recordings by asking their families and friends to make contributions in exchange for sending them the recording, once it was completed.

Micro Inversores Crowdfunding

Micro Inversores es una plataforma de crowdfunding dirigida a emprendedores, empresas y startups que quieran desarrollar una idea o un proyecto con un componente innovador importante.

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